Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Old Lady Won! TEMPORARILY!

Well, the old lady won!  I never did get back to sleep the other night.  I slept earlier, woke up around 1:00 a.m., and never got back to sleep.  So, I gave in, crocheted, took a shower, and got over to the yard sale at 6:30 a.m.  We were very busy Friday, and sold quite a bit; got home about 2:30 in the afternoon, went right to bed, as I was so tired.  I slept until 5:00 and then went out for supper with my hubby.  Back to bed at 10:30 and slept right thru until 6:30 this a.m., at which time I packed up my patio table and chairs for the yard sale, and headed over there.  We didn't do as well today, but I did sell the table and chairs, so now I can go ahead with my plans for the kitchen table, of which I will show some pics tomorrow, along with my other projects.
So the old lady took over a little for a couple of days.  I will have my Crochet and Football Day again tomorrow, as it is Sunday.  So that means a good day of rest, and then watch out, old lady!
later....  JO

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